Pahi Kaua Workshop with Olohe ʻUmi kai

Sale price Price $80.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

Learn how to make your own Pahi Kaua with Olohe ʻUmi Kai, a master of Native Hawaiian arts. War Knife is made from the bill (Nuku) of a Broadbill Swordfish (A’u Ku). Pahi Kaua were rare find in wau kahiko, but today Nuku are more plentiful via modern fishing. One Mo’oleo pertaining to the Pahi Kaua indicates that Captain Cook was stabbed by a young Hawaiian warrior wheeling a “fish bill dagger”.

Saturday, January 11th

9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Ka Waiwai ma Mōʻiliʻili

$80 Course Fee

This Workshop includes one bill with a precut handle, and basic tools to complete the Pahi Kaua. (hand files and sheets of sandpaper)

Optional tools participants can bring: 

  • Electric Grinder with sanding disk 50 or 80 grit
  • Sander with 80, 220, 400 grit